


Rationed goods at the Aelia Duty Free Store are only for authorized personnel who are entitled to have a ration card.


As an exception:


  • Immediate family members can make purchases using their sponsor’s ration card or an electronic equivalent from the authorized personnel.          
  • Chief and Flag Officers may authorize a subordinate to purchase the permitted amount of rationed goods with written authorization and the ration card or an electronic equivalent from the officer.                    
  • Authorized personnel who are unable to purchase rationed good, may appoint another authorized person to purchase on their behalf with written authorization and the ration card or an electronic equivalent from the authorized personnel.


Power of Attorney Instructions



An entitled ration card NATO ID Card Holder may apply in writing for special permission to authorize the use of their ration card by, another NATO ID Card Holder.



Approval of this request can be granted to eligible individuals who are prohibited by distance or duty to purchase rationed goods.



In order to request permission, the entitled holder has to fill out a POA form in advance.


The POA form can be picked up in-person at the Aelia Duty Free Store or electronically downloaded.


The POA form must be filled out completely and signed by the entitled ration card holder.

POA Form
Power of Attorney Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 351.4 KB
Ration Weeks 2025
Ration Week 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 93.3 KB
NSTEP Brochure
Adobe Acrobat Document 438.6 KB

Requirements for the Store:


  • Copy of both parties (entitled holder, appointed POA) ID Cards
  • Filled out and signed POA Form


Requirements to Purchase on Behalf of an Entitled Holder:


NATO ID card of appointed POA ration card of entitled holder Note: The POA form can only come from the authorized personnel entitled to have a ration card. If there are two different handwriting, the B&S Staff will refuse the POA form. If you have further questions on this process, please contact us.